12-13-44 BS in Forensic Science (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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Based on changes in Chemistry course and seeking accreditation from the American Academy
of Forensic Science, the B.S. in Forensic Science content is revised, credit hours,
titles and prerequisites are changed, one new course is created, a new Forensic Science
prefix (FORS) is created, and several courses are removed from the curriculum. In
order to attain the 120 credit hour requirement, 8 credit hours of free electives
will be eliminated.
12-13-60 Evolution and Human Nature (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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Evolution and Human Nature is intended as a 4 credit general studies course. Students
will be exposed to the principles of natural selection and other evolutionary concepts.
The course will pursue the notion that concepts regarding human evolution can be applied
to better understand how human adaptations relate to aesthetics and meta-ethical questions
like ----is there any objective, natural or universal basis to morality? The evolutionary
perspectives of ethics and aesthetics will be compared to perspectives found in scripture,
literature, fine arts and philosophical writings. Implications for a continuing dialogue
between the sciences and the humanities will be explored.
If approved, this proposal would generate a new permanently numbered course that has
been successfully offered on two occasions as a SCIE 1199 (a 4 credit course) with
the title Evolution and Human Nature. In addition, approval is being sought from the
General Studies Committee that would satisfy Attributes for Ethics VI.A and Natural
Sciences VII.D.
12-13-61 AS in Electronics Engineering Technology |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal includes the following modifications to the existing program:
- Deletion (from courses of instruction in the FSU catalog) of two ELEC courses. 2215
and 2220
- Removal of courses from other disciplines.
- Creation of one new ELEC course: 2225.
- Addition of courses from other disciplines.
- Changes included in this proposal are designed to meet industry trends as identified
by the program's Industrial Advisory Committee.
- Adjustment of degree hours to meet the HEPC's 60 hour requirement.
- Adjustment of curriculum to meet FSU's new general studies program.
- Prerequisite existing to existing courses
12-13-62 AS in Architectural Engineering Technology (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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The A. S. Architectural Engineering Technology degree comprises the first two years
of the pre-professional B.S. Architecture degree. This two-year degree has been revised
as result of revision of the four-year degree program in support of a proposed professional
degree at Fairmont State that would be accredited by the National Architecture Accrediting
Board. In this proposal course content is revised, credit hours, titles and pre-requisites
are changed. New courses are added and some courses are removed from the curriculum
to reflect program foci; and program electives are redefined. The curriculum has been
revised to better align with the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) student
performance criteria.
12-13-63 BS in Graphics Technology - Electronic Publishing/Imaging (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total credit hours from 128 to 120 hours by incorporating
the new General Studies requirements. Additionally, this proposal corrects not having
GRAP 4410, Advanced Topics in Graphics as a required course in the program of study.
GRAP 4410 is a writing intensive course. ENGL 1109 has been moved from a required
course in the major to a specific required General Studies course.
12-13-64 BS in Computer Science - Computer Security (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total credit hours from 128 to 120 and incorporates the
new General Studies requirements.
12-13-65 BS in Computer Science - Computer Science (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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The proposal reduces the total credit hour requirement from 128 to 120 hours. In addition,
this proposal incorporates the new General Studies requirements. This proposal deletes
MATH 3335 Probability and Statistics (3 Hrs) from the major requirements and adds
MATH 1170 Introduction to Math Analysis (4 Hrs). This proposal also makes MATH 2200
Mathematical Logic (3 Hrs) optional with MATH 3362 Linear Algebra (3 Hrs).
12-13-66 BS in Aviation Adminstration (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Aviation Administration
degree in Management from 134 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall 2013. This is accomplished
through the deletion of two Technical core classes. These were AVMA 2214 and MGMT
4405. AVMA 2214 Advanced Air Traffic Control was removed as the bulk of this material
is covered in AVMA 1102 and AVMA 22114 was designed for someone who planned to go
directly into Air Traffic Control. The major aviation electives were reduced from
9 to 6 credits.
The MGMT 4405 was removed as much of this is also covered in the AVMA management classes
and the Business department had changed their prerequisites.
This change also incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
This changed the General Studies requirements from 56 to 39-41. Additionally, a name
change for AVMA 3307, Aviation Safety to AVMA 3307, Human Factors in Aviation Safety
is part of this proposal. The content of this class remains the same but the title
more correctly reflects the content of the class. The AVMA Aviation Major Electives
were reduced from 9 to 6 credit hours.
12-13-67 BS in Aviation Adminstration - Professional Flight (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.S. in Aviation Administration
degree in Professional Flight from 140 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall 2013.This
is accomplished through the deletion of two technical core classes. These were AVMA
2214 and MGMT 4405. AVMA Advanced Air Traffic Control was removed as the bulk of this
material is covered in AVMA 1102 and AVMA 2214 was designed for someone who planned
to directly in to Air Traffic Control. The MGMT 4405 was removed as much of this is
also covered in the AVMA management classes and the Business department had changed
their prerequisites.
This change also incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
This changes the General Studies requirements from 56 to 39-41. Additionally, a name
change for AVMA 3307, Aviation Safety to AVMA 3307, Human Factors in Aviation Safety
is part of this proposal. The content of this class remains the same, but the title
more accurately reflects the content of the class.
12-13-68 BS in Aviation Maintenance Management (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Aviation Maintenance Management
degree from 142 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall 2013. This change also incorporates
the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements. This will lower the
General Studies curriculum from the current 56 hours to 39-41 credits. This reduction
was also accomplished by removing two technical core electives and removing the major
electives by deletion of the aviation internship class. Additionally, a name change
was submitted for AVMA 3307, Aviation Safety to AVMA 3307, Human Factors in Aviation
Safety as part of this proposal. The content of the class will remain the same, but
the new name more accurately reflects the course content.
12-13-69 BA in Journalism Education |
Date Approved Tue, 04/23/2013 |
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This proposal reflects the new general studies curriculum. It also reduces the number
of hours in the Bachelor of Arts in Education Teaching Specialization in Journalism
Grades 5- Adult to the 120 hours mandated by the HEPC. In so doing, the proposal also
deletes the requirement of a second teaching field. The proposal uses the course revisions
and new numbers associated with Proposal 12-13-19.
12-13-34 BA in Education - Health Education (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to request modifications in the current Health Education
Teacher Education B.A. degree program to one renamed as the School Health Education
B.A. degree program. The existing Health Education Teacher Education program is an
antiquated one, dated in its course offerings and learner outcomes. This program revision
will facilitate the integration of learning opportunities within each course that
target technology and diversity while following guidelines set forth in the following:
- The West Virginia Professional Teaching Standards (WVPTS),
- The American Association for Health Education/2008 NCATE Health Education Teacher
Preparation (AAHE/NCATE Standards),
- International Society for Technology in Education- National Education Technology Standards
for Teachers (ISTE NETS T Standards), and
- Center for Research on Education, Diversity, & Excellence (CREDE Standards)
The proposed changes will better prepare our graduates to effectively deliver the
most current health information, using the most effective teaching strategies and
experience instructional success as they enter America's classrooms. The proposed
School Health Education program includes several newly developed courses which are
aligned with national standards for this discipline. Completion of this School Health
Education degree will facilitate a smooth transition from college student to teaching
professional preparing our graduates to be exemplary entry-level teaching health educators
well prepared to take and pass their PRAXIS credentialing examinations.
12-13-45 BA in Education - Technology Education (Rev. 4) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This is a proposal to restructure the Technology Education (TE) curriculum to achieve
General Studies (GS) alignment with Attributes categories, while presenting a 30 hr.
track to student teacher candidates entering the program. Current Total Credit hours
(133) are reducing General Studies requirements with a deduction of 8 credit hours,
making the proposed credit hours for the Fall Semester 2013 to (125).
School of Education has requested a waiver for all Educational degree programs to
justify Total Credit Hours to exceed the mandated (120) credit hour requirements.
Specialization: Technology Education Comprehensive 5-Adult falls into this category.
Working with the School of Education's Graduation credit requirements (39) and continued
development of courses in the specialization: Technology (TECH) courses (56) will
support the continual development of the BA degree program: Technology Education Comprehensive
5-Adult to meet the (120) credit hours mandate.
This is a proposal to restructure the Technology Education (TE) curriculum to achieve
newly developed curriculum in the Specialization: Technology (TECH) courses (56).
Deletion of DRFT 2200 Fundamentals of CAD (3). Addition of course: TECH 1108 Engineering
Graphics 1(3). Curriculum Syllabus Attached.
12-13-52 BA in Elementary Education (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal contains the addition of one course (from the old general studies requirements
to a program requirement- PHSC 2201 Exosphere- 4 hours), moving 1 course from one
section to another (from Education "core" requirements to Elementary program requirements-
clerical change only) and the deletion of general studies total hour requirements.
The total program hours have been reduced from 132 hours to 123 hours. We could not
get to the 120 hour mark because the Elementary Education program is bound by Policy
5100 and the PRAXIS Content Test Series which prescribe specific courses/content candidates
for the elementary program must take.
12-13-53 BA in Physical Education |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal contains no addition or deletion of courses in the current Physical
Education major. This curriculum proposal contains the deletion/reduction of hours
from the past general studies requirements to achieve the total of 120 program hours
instead of 128 hours.
12-13-54 New Engineering Technology Courses (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal adds two new courses to the Engineering Technology programs of study.
These courses are TECH 1108, Engineering Graphics I, 3 credits, and TECH 2208, Engineering
Graphics II, 3 credits. The addition of these two courses will allow the Engineering
Technology programs to meet ABET outcomes and collect assessment data necessary to
maintain ABET accreditation. In addition, TECH 1108 will be used in the Technology
Education B.S. degree.
12-13-55 BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal is being submitted to remove 13 hours of course work and add 7 hour
of course work including 1 hour of free elective to the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Technology. These changes and the new general studies requirements will allow for
the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technology program to be reduced from 130 hours
to exactly 120 hours. The MECH 4400 course is also been modified to satisfy the university
writing intensive course requirement. The TECH 1108 and 2208 courses that are being
added have been previously approved and can be found in curriculum proposal 12-13-54.
12-13-56 AS in Mechanical Engineering Technology (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal is being submitted to remove 15 hours of course work and add 8 hour
of course work including 2 hour of free elective to the A.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Technology. These changes will allow for the AS. in Mechanical Engineering Technology
program to be reduced from 67 hours to exactly 60 hours. The TECH 1108 and 2208 courses
that are being added have been previously approved and can be found in curriculum
proposal 12-13-54.
12-13-57 AS in Civil Engineering Technology (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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Reduce required hours to 60 by conforming to the new General Studies requirements.
Create a one credit hour introduction to CET course, CIVL 1100, similar to a freshman
12-13-58 BS in Civil Engineering Technology (rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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Reduce required hours to 120 and conform to the new General Studies requirements.
Add one credit to CIVL 4400, meet the WIC requirements and designate as the CET capstone
course. Create a one credit hour introduction to CET course, CIVL 1100, similar to
a freshman seminar.
12-13-59 BS in Electronics EngineeringTechnology (Rev.4) |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2013 |
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This proposal includes the following modifications to the existing program:
- Deletion (from courses of instruction in the FSU catalog) of three ELEC courses. 2215
(last offered spring 2013), 2220 (last offered fall 2012), and 4400 (last offered
fall 2012).
- Removal of courses from other disciplines.
- Creation of three new ELEC courses; 2225, 4401 and 4402. (see page 3 for implementation
- ELEC 4402 replaces ELEC 4400 as the Writing Intensive Course (WIC) degree requirement.
See page 13 for details of implementation of WIG criteria in ELEC 4402.
- Addition of courses from other disciplines.
- Changes included in this proposal are designed to meet industry trends as identified
by the program's Industrial Advisory Committee.
- Adjustment of degree hours to meet the HEPC's 120 hour requirement.
- Adjustment of curriculum to meet FSU's new general studies program.
- Prerequisite changes to existing courses.
12-13-28 BS in Occupational Safety (Rev. 4) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal is designed to align the Occupational safety program with the current
120 hr. degree requirement and newly approved general studies curriculum. Other changes
are based on results of Occupational Safety Program's Continuous Improvement Plan
and recommendations/approval by the program's Industrial Advisory Committee. These
changes include; deleting SFTY 3335 Air Pollution and 3345 Water Pollution, thus combining
into a new course SFTY 3355 Air and Water Pollution. A capstone course has also been
added into the curriculum, SFTY 4480 (4 hours). The course number for SFTY 2260 has
been changed to SFTY 3360. This course number change will also affect the Occupational
Safety Minor and the A.S. in Safety Engineering Technology (Cirr. Proposal12-13-29)
12-13-29 AS in Safety Engineering Technology (Rev. 4) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal is designed to align the Safety Engineering Technology, AS program with
the Occupational safety program and the current 60 hr. degree requirement for associate's
degree programs. It is also designed to meet the newly approved general studies curriculum.
Additional modifications have been made based on results of Occupational Safety Program's
Continuous Improvement Plan and recommendations/approval by the Occupational Safety
program's Industrial Advisory Committee. The course number for SFTY 2260 has been
changed to SFTY 3360. This course number change will also affect the Occupational
Safety Minor and the B.S. in Occupational Safety (Cirr. Proposal12-13-28)
12-13-36 BA in Education - Oral Communication (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the number of hours required for the BA in Education Oral Communication
degree from 128 to 120 credit hours. It also revises the requirements due to changes
in the Communication BA degree which has been approved in a previous proposal. Course
deletions were approved in a previous change of the BA in Communication. This revision
parallels that revision.
12-13-40 BS in Architecture |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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The B.S. Architecture degree is the existing pre-professional component laying the
foundation for study in a professional graduate program. This four-year degree has
been revised in support of a proposed professional degree at Fairmont State that would
be accredited by the National Architecture Accrediting Board. In this proposal course
content is revised, credit hours, titles and pre-requisites are changed. New courses
are added and some courses are removed from the curriculum to reflect program foci;
and program electives are redefined. The curriculum has been revised to better align
with the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) student performance criteria.
12-13-41 BA in Education - Social Studies (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal is designed to bring the BA in Education, Teaching Specialization in
Social Studies Grades 5-Adult in the agreement with the new general studies requirements
and into better compliance with the guidelines for Social Studies with the NCATE accreditors.
12-13-42 AS in Nursing (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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In order to comply with the 60 credits for completion of an associate degree in nursing,
our LPN-ASN needs to decrease 1 more credit along with the already approved changes
for the ASN program with the 12.13.04 curriculum proposal. We propose to decrease
the articulation credit awarded for the LPN license from 6 credits for NURS 1101,
Fundamentals of Nursing, to 5 credits. All other courses are considered essential.
12-13-43 BS in Biology (Rev, 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This is a proposal to restructure the biology curriculum to achieve the HEPC 120 credit
hour mandate and add the new FSU general studies program.
12-13-46 BA in Education - French (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reflects the new general studies curriculum. It also reduces the number
of hours in the Bachelor of Arts in Education Teaching Specialization in French Grades
5- Adult to 120 hours.
12-13-47 NURS 3350 as writing intensive (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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The SONAHA BSN Program submits this proposal to accept NURS 3350 Professional Nursing
Concepts as a writing intensive course. ENGL 1108 will be added as a prerequisite,
and students will be able to revise major assignments. The course already requires
at least 20 pages of written work with at least 30% of the grade based on writing
assignments (See Appendix A and attached prerequisite change form). Faculty want students
to have the opportunity to benefit from feedback and revision opportunities early
in the program for use as a foundation for future classes and writing assignments.
NURS 4440 Nursing Practicum will remain a writing intensive course until all current
students have taken it and until it can be removed from the writing intensive course
list without adversely affecting students. The change was approved by the Dean and
the faculty of the SONAHA
12-13-48 BA in Education - Physics (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.A. degree in Education with a
certification in Physics from 128 hours to 120 hours by eliminating free elective
hours. This proposal also incorporates the new General Studies requirements. In addition,
NCATE accreditation issues are addressed in the proposal by adding 8 credits of required
major courses to the program.
12-13-49 BA in Education - Biology (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.A. degree in Education with a
certification in Biology from 128 hours to 120 hours by eliminating free elective
hours. This proposal also incorporates the new General Studies requirements. Since
Math 1102 has not been accepted for general studies, this course has been removed
from the program as a Math option. In addition, NCATE accreditation issues are addressed
in the proposal by adding 2 courses (5 credits) to required major courses, replacing
free elective courses.
12-13-50 BA in Education - General Science (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.A. degree in Education with a
certification in General Science from 128 hours to 120 hours by eliminating free
elective hours. This proposal also incorporates the new General Studies requirements.
In addition, due to NCATE accreditation issues addressed in the proposal, 2 courses
were added (8 credits) to required major courses replacing free elective courses for
single science certifications in general science.
12-13-51 BA in Education - Chemistry (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 03/05/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.A. degree in Education with a
certification in Chemistry from 128 hours to 120 hours by eliminating free elective
hours. This proposal also incorporates the new General Studies requirements. In addition,
NCATE accreditation issues are addressed in the proposal adding 8 credits of required
major courses to the program.
12-13-18 BA in Studio Art (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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The reduction from 128-120 credit hours is satisfied through the new General Studies
program changes
12-13-22 BA in Political Science (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This proposal does three things. First, it is designed to reduce the number of hours
in the B.A. in Political Science from 128 total hours to 120 total hours. Second,
it implements the new general studies requirements. Third, it adds Ethics to the required
Political Science curriculum increasing the required Political Science course hours
from 21 to 24 hours. The 15 hours of Political Science electives will remain the same.
A minor is still required for Political Science majors.
12-13-27 Mathematics (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This proposal seeks to adjust the math program for Bachelor of Science in Mathematics,
Bachelor of Arts in Education: Specialization in Mathematics 5-Adult, and Mathematics
Teaching Specialization, Grades 5-9.
Changes are the following:
- 120 hour degree definition
- Add MATH 1125- Math Reasoning: Reading and Writing to the requirements to all Math
and Math Education programs
- Add Math 1125 as a pre-requisite for Math 2212- Sets, Relations, and Functions & Math
3372-Modern Geometry
- Reduce credit hours of MATH 1113 from 4 to 3.
- Add MATH 1113 -Applied Statistics to requirements for the BS in Mathematics and BA
in Education 5- Adult
- Include MATH 1113 as pre-requisite for MATH 3335- Probability and Statistics
- Change course elective selection for Math minor.
12-13-30 Prefix change to CRJU to CRIM (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This purpose of this proposal is to change the prefix of CRJU to CRIM for all criminal
justice courses in the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree program. The
department is taking the necessary steps to attain specialized certification through
the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, and this change to the program is required.
The proposal will eliminate the need for shared courses and give Fairmont State University
full ownership and control of its entire criminal justice program.
12-13-31 BS in Exercise Science (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This proposal contains no addition or deletion of courses in the current Ex. Sci.
major. This curriculum proposal contains the deletion of hours to achieve the 120
hours (instead of 128) and 3 requests for prerequisites in existing courses within
the Ex. Sci. major.
12-13-32 Sport Management Concentration |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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The current Sport Management concentration within the B.S. in Business Administration
program consists of a Sport Management Curriculum (14 sem. hrs.), a Sport Management
Business Core (33 sem. hrs.) and four emphases from which a major must choose one:
(1) Sport Marketing & Promotions -18 sem. hrs.; (2) Athletic Administration & Coaching
-17 sem. hrs.; (3) Sport Club & Fitness Management- 18 sem. hrs.; and, (4) Sport Camp
& recreation Management -17 sem. hrs. All PHED and RECR courses in the Sport Management
curriculum and emphases are delivered by the School of Education, Health & Human Performance.
The proposed curriculum will collapse the Sport Management Curriculum and areas of
emphasis into a single concentration within the B. S. in Business Administration program.
12-13-33 B.S. in Community Health Education (Rev. 3) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to request a change from the existing Bachelor of
Science- Health Science program to a Community Health Education degree program. The
current Health Science program is not aligned with national standards, nor does it
have a clearly defined focus. The proposed Community Health Education program and
new courses are aligned directly with nationally vetted standards. A Community Health
Education degree will allow our graduates to: take the Certified Health Education
Specialist (CHES) exam with the National Commission on Health Education Credentialing,
work in public health settings, and be prepared for graduate studies.
12-13-35 BA in Theatre Education (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This proposal changes the BA in Theatre Education degree from 128 to 120 credit hours.
12-13-37 BA in Art Education (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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The Reduction from 150-142 Credit Hours is satisfied through:
The new General Studies Program Changes:
- Three- 3 Credit Hour Major required Courses meet General Studies Attributes:
- 1D- Teamwork- met by Major Course -ART 1140 and 1141 Design 1 or 2 Foundations
- IF- Technology Literacy met by Major Course- ART 2245 E. Foundations
- VIlA- Arts met by Major Course- ART 3374 Art History Pre History to 1750
- One General Studies Course- ENGL 1108 meets 2 Attribute
- IC -Written Communication & IE - Information Literacy
12-13-38 BA in Music Education (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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This proposal shows the changes to the B.A. Education, Comprehensive Music PreK-Adult
Concentration to comply with the new General Studies Requirements.
The number of hours for this major does not fit within the 120 credit hour mandate
as required by the HEPC due to certification requirements by the WV Department of
Education. The FSU School of Education is planning to petition for a waiver for all
Education degree programs to be exempt from the 120 credit hour requirement at a later
12-13-39 BS in Allied Health Administration (Rev. 2) |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2013 |
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In order to come into compliance with the 120 credits for the Allied Health Administration
bachelor of science degree, we propose that the elective credits be reduced from 20
to 14-15 credits. Additionally, since INFO 1100, Computer Concepts and Applications,
is being deleted as a course offering, it will be replaced with BISM 1200, Introduction
to Computing, since it is a required prerequisite for BISM 2800, Corporate Communications
and Technology.
12-13-16 BA in Communication Arts (Rev.2) |
Date Approved Tue, 01/15/2013 |
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This proposal modifies the current Communication B.A. into an interdisciplinary B.A.
degree, Communication Arts, conforming to the new 120 credit hour limit, consisting
of a core of 46 hours, a concentration of 12 hours, 37 hours of general education
and 25 hours of free electives. Proposed Concentrations include:
- Government Communication
- Health Communication
- Sport Communication
- Performance Studies
- Public Communication
- Multimedia Communication
- Visual Communication
The Communication Minor is also modified as outlined in Appendix B.
12-13-19 Journalism (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 01/15/2013 |
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This proposal revises the titles, numbers, and course descriptions of four existing
journalism courses (JOUR 2240, 2270,3312 and 3334) to reflect changes in technology
and industry practices.
12-13-25 Geography Minor (Rev.2) |
Date Approved Tue, 01/15/2013 |
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Within the Department of Behavioral Sciences, we wish to remove one course from the
catalog that has not been offered in well over twenty years for the Geography program
and include one additional existing course as a minor elective.
12-13-26 BS in Chemistry (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 01/15/2013 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.S. degree in Chemistry from 128
hours to 120 hours by eliminating free elective hours. In addition, this proposal
incorporates the new General Studies requirements.
12-13-20 BS in Business Adminstration - Hospitality Management (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 12/11/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Business Administration
degree with a concentration in Hospitality Management with specializations in Culinary
Arts, Pastry and Baking Arts, and Resort and Hotel Management from 128 hours to 120
hours beginning Fall 2013. The effect of the proposed changes includes the incorporation
of courses from the Business Core to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies
curriculum, and the elimination of free elective hours.
12-13-21 BA in National Security and Intelligence |
Date Approved Tue, 12/11/2012 |
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This proposal does two things. First, it is designed to reduce the number of hours
in the B.A. in National Security and Intelligence from 128 total hours to 120 total
hours. Second, it implements the new general studies requirements.
12-13-23 BS in Criminal Justice |
Date Approved Tue, 12/11/2012 |
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This proposal is designed to reduce the number of hours in the B.S. in Criminal Justice
from 128 total hours to 120 total hours. In addition, it implements the new general
studies requirements.
12-13-24 BA & BS in History (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 12/11/2012 |
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This proposal is designed to reduce the number of hours in the B.A. and B.S. in History
from 128 total hours to 120 total hours. In addition, it implements the new general
studies requirements.
12-13-03 BS in Nursing (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal presents the new general studies requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
in Nursing and a reduction of total credit hours from 128 to 120. The general studies
portion of this proposal was already approved by the FSU Curriculum Committee and
the FSU Faculty Senate in 2011.
12-13-07 BA in English (Rev.1) |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal adds a new required course to both the English and English Education
programs, ENGL 2251, Introduction to Literary Studies. The new course will function
as a gateway course for new majors, providing them with the basic theoretical and
reflective framework to succeed in the program.
The proposal deletes ENGL 4490, Capstone, from the B.A. in English. The proposal also decreases the number of hours for the B.A. In English to 120 hours
as mandated by the HEPC and reflects the new general studies program.
12-13-08 BA in French |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the number of hours in the Bachelor of Arts in French to 120
hours in compliance with the mandate from the HEPC.
12-13-09 BA in Spanish |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal does four things:
- It makes Spanish 3350, History of the Spanish Language, an elective rather than a
requirement for the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and the Spanish specialization in
the Bachelor of Arts in Education.
- It also makes SPAN 443 I, Methods: Second Language Acquisition in the Classroom, an
elective for the B.A. in Spanish. As a result, this proposal redistributes the required
and elective outcomes for the Spanish B.A. and for the Spanish concentration in the
Education B.A.
- It removes the clause "offered on demand" from the course descriptions for SPAN 2250,
Spanish for Medical Professions; SPAN 2251, Spanish for Criminal Justice; SPAN 2252,
Spanish for a World Economy; SPAN 3350, History of the Spanish Language; SPAN 4418,
U.S. Hispanic Cultures; and SPAN 4431, Methods: Second Language Acquisition in the
- It reduces the number of hours for the B.A. in Spanish to 120.
12-13-10 BS in Business Administration - Management |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Business Administration
degree with a concentration in Management from 128 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall2013,
and incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
The effect of the proposed change includes the incorporation of 15 hours of courses
from the Business Core to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies curriculum.
12-13-11 BS in Business Adminstration - Marketing |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Business Administration
degree with a concentration in Marketing from 128 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall2013,
and incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
The effect of the proposed change includes the incorporation of 15 hours of courses
from the Business Core to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies curriculum.
12-13-12 BS in Business Administration - Finance |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Business Administration
degree with a concentration in Finance from 128 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall2013,
and incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
The effect of the proposed change includes the incorporation of 15 hours of courses
from the Business Core to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies curriculum.
12-13-13 BS in Accounting |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B.S. in Accounting degree from
128 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall2013, and incorporates the new General Studies
curriculum into the degree requirements. The effect of the proposed changes include
the incorporation of 15 hours of courses from the Business Core to satisfy select
attributes of the General Studies curriculum.
12-13-14 BS in Business Administration - General Business |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Business Administration
degree with a concentration in General Business from 128 hours to 120 hours beginning
Fall 2013, and incorporates the new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements.
The effect of the proposed changes include the incorporation of 15 hours of courses
from the Business Core to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies curriculum.
12-13-15 BS in Information Systems Management (Rev. 1) |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal reduces the total hours needed for a B. S. in Information Systems Management
(ISM) degree from 128 hours to 120 hours beginning Fall2013, and incorporates the
new General Studies curriculum into the degree requirements. The effects of the proposed
changes include the incorporation of 9 hours of courses from ISM major requirements
to satisfy select attributes of the General Studies curriculum and a reduction of
6 hours in free electives.
12-13-17 BA in Theater |
Date Approved Tue, 11/13/2012 |
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This proposal is designed to reduce the number of hours in the Bachelor of Arts in
Theatre program from 128 total hours to 120 total hours.
12-13-04 AS in Nursing |
Date Approved Tue, 10/23/2012 |
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The current ASN program requires 69 credits. In order to meet the 60 credit requirement,
the SON has elected to eliminate the 6 credits of electives and Sociology 1110, Introductory
Sociology (3 credits) from the requirements for the ASN.
12-13-05 BS in Sociology |
Date Approved Tue, 10/23/2012 |
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Changes to comply with new General Studies and 120 credit hour degree requirement
12-13-06 BA in Music |
Date Approved Tue, 10/23/2012 |
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This proposal is designed to reduce the number of hours in the Bachelor of Arts in
Music program from 128 total hours to 120 total hours.
12-13-01 BA in Psychology |
Date Approved Tue, 10/09/2012 |
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Reduce required hours for PSYC 2240 statistics from 4 credit hours to 3 credit hours.
Create new program required course PSYC 3305 Research Methods 4 credit hours. Change
total required hours for the Psychology major from 40 credit hours to 55 credit hours
by adding the Research Methods course and requiring three 3cr. Hr. psychology electives.
Remove the requirement for a minor. Change prerequisites for PSYC 3390 from PSYC 3310
to PSYC 3305.
12-13-02 Journalism Minor |
Date Approved Tue, 10/09/2012 |
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This proposal creates three new courses as electives for the journalism minor:
- JOUR 3330 Writing for Multimedia- 3 credits
- JOUR 3350 Participatory Journalism and Social Media- 3 credits
- JOUR 3390 Multimedia Ethics & Law- 3 credits
These courses will give students instruction in participatory media and the growing
needs of employers locally and worldwide as well as stressing implications for democracy.