18-19-08 Community Health |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2019 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to request two changes to the existing Bachelor of
Science in Community Health Education degree program. 1. Update Learning Objectives for HLTA 3330: Introduction to Epidemiology & Biostatistics
& 4452: Field Practicum in Community Health Portfolio 2. Allow students the option of completing an Area of Emphasis OR any minor offered
by the University to satisfy degree completion requirements. We would like students
to have the opportunity to complete either an Area of Emphasis or Minor toward degree
18-19-09 Creative Writing Minor Proposal |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2019 |
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This proposal establishes a Creative Writing Minor for non-English majors, so that
students outside the major may receive training in writing creatively.
18-19-10 Reading Curriculum Proposal |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2019 |
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The Fairmont State University School of Education, Health & Human Performance proposes
to add two (2) one (1) credit hour elective courses to the teacher education programs.
These courses will support pre-education students who need additional practice and
support for taking the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test as required
by the West Virginia Department of Education in order to be admitted into the Education
18-19-12 FOLK 3375 Preserving Appalachian Culture |
Date Approved Tue, 04/09/2019 |
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This proposal will establish a regular course number for the course associated with
Fairmont State's Appalachian Teaching Project annual grant from the Appalachian Regional
Commission. The new course will be an elective in the Folklore Studies minor, entitled
FOLK 3375: Preserving Appalachian Culture. In this course, college students will
take their knowledge of Appalachian Folk Culture into the community, sharing this
knowledge through a designated community partner, then reporting on the project at
the end of the semester in person to the Appalachian Regional Commission in Washington
18-19-03 Science and Technology/Natural Science/Biology |
Date Approved Tue, 03/19/2019 |
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This proposal adds a new elective (Cell Biology, BIOL 3395) to the Biology major.
It supports students following pre-professional and graduate school tracks.
18-19-05 Science and Technology/BCG/Biology |
Date Approved Tue, 03/19/2019 |
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This proposal adds two new electives, BIOL3301 and BIOL3302, to the biology degree
(B.S.). The Biology program lacks the ability to offer 2-semester human anatomy and
physiology courses which are prerequisites for students interested in professional
schools for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician's Assistant, and strongly
recommended for students pursuing medical school. The absence of these courses from
Fairmont State's curriculum forces students to take courses elsewhere and may negatively
impact retention and enrollment. The addition of these courses will improve the ability
of students to meet requirements for professional schools without forcing students
to attend alternate institutions.
18-19-07 Liberal Arts/Behavioral Sciences/Psychology |
Date Approved Tue, 03/19/2019 |
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We propose reducing the Psychology program hours from 55 to 49 by reclassifying PSYC
3310, Experimental Psychology, and PSYC 4460, Seminar, as elective rather than required
courses. We also propose modifying prerequisites for Experimental Psychology and
Research Capstone (PSYC 3390) to accommodate the elective status of Experimental Psychology.
Finally, we propose adding Psychology of Substance Abuse (PSYC 3395), previously offered
as Special Topics in Psychology (PSYC 3399), as a permanent Psychology elective in
the course catalog.
18-19-2 Science and Technology/BCG/Forensic Science |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2019 |
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The Forensic Science curriculum is being revised to include new forensic focused specialization
courses (Human Osteology FORS 3301, Forensic Anthropology FORS 3305, Forensic Toxicology
FORS 3310, Forensic Taphonomy FORS 3225, and Fingerprint Analysis FORS 3215). These
courses will give students forensic specific specialization electives. These courses
will allow us to grow our Forensic Science Program and to give our students more relevant
forensic science electives. See Appendix D.
18-19-4 Science and Technology/Natural Science/Forensic Science |
Date Approved Tue, 02/12/2019 |
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The B.S. in Forensic Science is growing and going towards accreditation from the American
Academy of Forensic Science, we believe it is time to add a 22/23-hour Forensic Investigative
Science minor. Students would be able to adopt courses already available in the Forensic
Science program and Criminal Justice program.
18-19-01 Fine Arts/Music/Musical Theatre |
Date Approved Tue, 10/09/2018 |
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This proposal creates a new 28-hour Minor in Musical Theatre housed in the School
of Fine Arts/Department of Music. The intent of this minor is to meet a growing student
desire for musical theatre training. Two new courses, MUSI 2207: History of Musical
Theatre and THEA 2218: Musical Theatre Dance, are created.