16-17-19 Science Teacher Certification |
Date Approved Tue, 05/09/2017 |
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This proposal seeks to create a secondary science teacher certification in conjunction
with the B.A. in Education. To accomplish this, the proposal includes the following objectives: 1. Add a secondary science teacher certification, Earth & Space Science (5-Adult) 2. Modify the name & course number of existing GEOL 1103 Introduction to Environmental Geology, 3. Generate two new courses in support of the Earth & Space Science (ESS) certification, 4. Create a new prefix for geoscience course work: GEOS, 5. Convert appropriate geoscience courses from the prefix PHSC to GEOS. (*It should be noted: no new degree program is being proposed.)
16-17-20 School Health Education |
Date Approved Tue, 05/09/2017 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to implement modifications to the current School of
Health Education (SHE) B.A. degree program. These changes include: 1) SHE General
Studeis course selections modified to align with the Physical Education program of
study; 2) incorporation of revisied G.S. course identifiers into the model schedule;
3) slight modifications in four course descriptions: HLTA 1110, 2210, 3310, and 3325;
4) an improved model schedule; and 5) replacement of a Pierpont owned Nutrition course
(FOSM1120) with a newly developed FSU owned Nutrition cource (HLTA 1110).
16-17-16 Spanish Education |
Date Approved Tue, 04/11/2017 |
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This proposal seeks to streamline the Spanish major, the Spanish Education (Pre-K
to Adult) Specialization for both Elementary Education and Secondary Education majors,
and the Spanish minor in order to make it easier for students in many fields to add
Spanish as a second major or minor.
16-17-17 BSN Admission Requirements |
Date Approved Tue, 04/11/2017 |
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This proposal involves changing the wording regarding application and admission requirements
for the BSN Program. The wording more accurately reflects the practices regarding
licensure requirements. This includes deleting “licensure” as an admission requirement
in lieu of licensure as a prerequisite to upper level nursing courses (NURS 3350 and
above). Also, this proposal discusses the addition of a “direct admission” option
for the BSN Program that would allow students that are taking classes toward both
the ASN and BSN Programs to pursue both degrees at the same time.
16-17-18 General Studies |
Date Approved Tue, 04/11/2017 |
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This proposal reflects proposed changes in the application of major program requirements
to General Studies as follows: This proposal is intended to clearly delineate whether a specific course(s) identified
in any general studies outcome, other than the major-prefixed courses, is required
(either by the institution or the program major) or is recommended. Working with the
Office of the Registrar and the General Studies Committee, this proposal makes all
specific course(s) identified in any general studies outcome as recommended unless
it is either an institutional or program major requirement (other than the already
approved major prefixed courses). In order to do this, each school or college dean
was asked to identify any required courses listed in general studies for a specific
program major (other than the approved major-prefixed courses) and the reason the
course is required (i.e., prerequisite to a major course requirement, major course
requirement outside of the major-prefixed courses [i.e., mathematics], etc.). All
courses identified as required are listed in this proposal along with the reason.
16-17-11 Professional Writing Minor |
Date Approved Tue, 03/21/2017 |
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This proposal combines three existing minors into one Professional Writing Minor.
The Business and Technical Writing Minor, the Journalism Minor and the Journalism
Minor: Technical Writing Option will become tracks in the new Professional Writing
Minor. This recombination will make the minor easier to market to prospective students.
16-17-12 Math Updates |
Date Approved Tue, 03/21/2017 |
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There will be one math course created (MATH 1561), two revised and renumbered (MATH
2216 and 2212), and many others renumbered. -MATH 1125 and 1170 will be deleted from the catalog. -MATH 1561 will replace BOTH MATH 1125 (which will be deleted from the Math/Math
Ed. Programs) AND MATH 1170 (which will be removed from the Computer Science/Computer
Security programs in a Computer Science proposal). -MATH 1190/2501 will replace MATH 1185/1585 as a requirement for the Mathematics
5-9 Specialization. -The rest of the changes consist of alterations to course numbers. These changes
complete the math course renumbering.
16-17-13 Computer Science Updates |
Date Approved Tue, 03/21/2017 |
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The intent of this proposal is to request a minor revision of curricula for the BS
program in Computer Science (both Computer Science and Computer Security major options). The current and
proposed program formats can be found in Appendix A.
For the Computer Science major option, the proposal replaces COMP 3300 or 3310 and
MATH 2200 or 3362 with a pool of elective Computer Science and Math courses and replaces PHYS 1105/1106
with a pool of Science courses. In addition, the proposal replaces MATH 1170 (4 hour) with
MATH 1561 (3 hour), a new course that is proposed in a separate MATH curriculum proposal.
For the Computer Security major option, the proposal renames the major as “Cybersecurity”.
The proposal adds COMP 4440 and CRIM 2250 to the degree requirements, replaces MATH 2200 with a
pool of elective Computer Science and Math courses, and adds the science requirement to the major requirements.
In addition, the proposal replaces MATH 1170 (4 hour) by the new course MATH 1561 (3
hour). The proposal changes COMP 3380 from 4 hours to 3 hours, changes the title of COMP 3380/3390/4400/4495,
revises the content of COMP 3380/4400/4495, and creates a new course COMP 4450.
16-17-14 Ocean Issues |
Date Approved Tue, 03/21/2017 |
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This proposal requests that a new course: SCIE 2XXX: Ocean Issues & Society be added
to the FSU catalog. This 100% online course was developed to satisfy general studies outcome
15- Natural Science. We currently have only two online SCIE general studies science courses, which fill
quickly. An additional online course would alleviate pressure for overrides on these existing courses. In
addition, this course will be used to satisfy a course requirement for a future proposal for the creation
of an Earth & Space Science 5-Adult certification.
16-17-15 Occupational Safety |
Date Approved Tue, 03/21/2017 |
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Occupational Safety (B.S.) and Safety Engineering Technology (A.S.) used to require
students to take BIOL 1170. This was changed to HLCA 1170 & 1171 when BIOL 1170 was no longer offered, and later
changed to PHED 2211. With the creation of BIOL 1180 & 1181, this curriculum proposal seeks to require
students to take BIOL 1180 & 1181. It also seeks to fix the catalog entry for SFTY 3310 which requires HLCA
1170/1171 as a prerequisite.
Also, Occupational Safety (B.S.) and Safety Engineering Technology (A.S.) currently
require students to take PHED 1100. This is because PHED 1100 was used to fulfill G.S. Attribute 10 for the
B.S. degree. SCIE 1100, which is a required course for the B.S. degree, fulfills this requirement. Therefore,
this proposal seeks to replace PHED 1100 with a technical elective. Being that the A.S. and B.S. degrees form a 2+2 curriculum, this proposal is intended
to apply to both of them.
16-17-05 Sociology of Religion |
Date Approved Tue, 02/14/2017 |
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The proposal has three components.
-Create a sociology elective called the Sociology of Religion that has recently
been under special topics. -Eliminate the separate population studies B.S. based on historically low enrollment -Make in-active and remove from the catalog GEOG 3340, GEOG 3370, and GEOG 3399.
16-17-06 Exercise Science Major |
Date Approved Tue, 02/14/2017 |
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As a result of the 5 year review and alumni survey that was a part of the review the
faculty of Exercise Science major are requesting 3 changes to the major.
The requested changes to the Exercise Science major include the addition of a 3 hour
Strength & Conditioning Theory & Practice course, and a 3 hour Physical Activity &
Fitness Education course (this course to be offered as an either/or option to taking
the current Advanced Personal Training Course, PHED 3315), and changing the current
2 hour Sport Social Psychology course, PHED 3318, to a 3 hour credit course. These
changes are in response to the 5 year program review and the interest of allowing
students to take an optional course geared towards attaining certifications. The
increase in hours of the current PHED 3318 course is to allow for more in-depth coverage
in the topics covered within the course.
Additionally, due to the split of Pierpont and FSU, the nutrition courses currently
utilized through Pierpont FOSM 1110 or FOSM 1150 are requested to be replaced by HLTA
1110 "Nutrition" which is a course that is already in the catalog.
16-17-07 Physical Education Course Modification |
Date Approved Tue, 02/14/2017 |
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1. Remove PHED 2232 - Basic Aquatics (2-credit hour) course and the alternative course
PHED 2233 – Advanced Aquatics (2-credit hour) as a major requirement a. Basic Aquatics is not a state or national requirement for physical education teacher
certification programs, and there are aquatic certifications available through the American Red
Cross. 2. Add new course requirement: PHED 3310 – Motor Behavior (3-credit hour) a. Adding the new Motor Behavior course requirement for Physical Education majors
will better align the Physical Education Teacher Education program with Standard 1: Scientific and Theoretical knowledge of the National Standards for Physical Education Teacher Education. The
course will also prepare Physical Education majors to meet the Pre-K physical activity standards
resulting from recently mandated West Virginia Universal Pre-K initiatives. 3. Add new course requirement: PHED 3350 - Physical Activity and Fitness Education
(3-credit hour) a. The addition of this course is in response to program accreditation review data
revealing Physical Education majors lacked sufficient content knowledge related to the application of
physiological principles and concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness
(NASPE element 1.1). 4. Add 1-credit hour to PHED 2246 - Teaching Striking/Target Sports. This changes
the current course from a 2-credit hour course to a 3-hour credit course. 5. Modify two General Studies Attributes required in the Physical Education curriculum
to coincide with School Health Education General Studies requirements. Most of our students are dual
majors in Physical Education and School Health Education. The requested modifications would reduce the
number of general study credit hours students will have to take, allowing them to graduate in a more
timely manner.
16-17-08 HLTA 3390 and HLTA 4446 |
Date Approved Tue, 02/14/2017 |
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Students majoring and minoring in Community Health Education are encouraged to sit
for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination. The CHES Preparation course (HLTA 3390) is proposed to provide our students with targeted instruction in preparing for the National Commission on Health Education Credentialing’s national
exam for health educators. The Funding & Administration of Health Promotion Programs course (HLTA 4446) is proposed to give our students exposure to grant-writing skills and
to address NCHEC’s Area of Responsibility that indicated health educators administer programs.
16-17-09 History Electives |
Date Approved Tue, 02/14/2017 |
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This proposal updates the list of Social Sciences electives available to History B.S.
majors in fulfillment of their requirements. History B.S. majors select six credit hours from a list of pre-determined
Social and Behavioral Sciences electives. History program faculty have updated the list to better reflect
current course offerings and to offer B.S. students with coursework that will be more appropriate for their major.
16-17-01 Nursing General Studies |
Date Approved Tue, 12/06/2016 |
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This proposal would delete the literature requirement for the BSN Program. This would
allow students to select any course from the general studies list for the humanities
16-17-02 Math Support and Course ReNumbering |
Date Approved Tue, 12/06/2016 |
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Three math support courses will be adjusted to become stand-alone courses, two of
them will be aligned with non-support courses. (1407 with Fundamentals of Mathematics, 1430 with College Algebra) and the
fourth (Math 1001-support course for Tech Math I) will be deleted. Those students wishing to enter Tech Math I will
take the “pre-college algebra” course. Completion of the aligned support course will be equivalent to completion of the non-support
course counterpart and we will adopt the policy that no student will be able to get credit for a course with
support and its non-support counterpart. All descriptions will include reference to this policy. Most courses at the 1000/1100
level will be renumbered using numbers at the 1400-level for support courses and 1500-level for the non-support courses.
Besides the four support courses, the only changes will be the course number. (NO content changes.)
16-17-03 Math Support Simplification |
Date Approved Tue, 12/06/2016 |
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The Math Support Program began as a pilot in Fall 2014. It currently includes four
distinct courses (MATH 1001, 1007, 1011, & 1012), three of which utilize co-requisite support for gateway courses.
Unfortunately, the current system is complicated and cannot provide a simple means for placement and self-registration.
To resolve numerous registration inconsistencies and simplify placement, this proposal requests:
i. the creation of two new courses (MATH 1407 & 1430) with integrated support. ii. the deletion of MATH 1001, 1007, & 1012 iii. modifications to the name, course number, and pre-requisites for MATH 1011.
The new number will be MATH 1400.
16-17-04 Introduction to Folk Music |
Date Approved Tue, 12/06/2016 |
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The purpose of this proposal is to implement a permanent course number for Introduction
to Folk Music, a course currently offered with the College of Liberal Arts/Department of Language and Literature’s
Folklore Studies Minor, and projected to be cross-listed with the School of Fine Arts, Department of Music.
The addition of this course allows the Folklore Studies program to offer classes in all components of folklife.
Additionally it provides an option for music students to expand their experience in Appalachian folk music and the historical
world events that culminated in the development of this unique musical genre.
16-17-10 Withdrawn |
Date Approved |
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This proposal was withdrawn and is only displayed here to show that there is no break
in numbering sequence.