Students Plan Events for Earth Day
Fairmont State University Student Government, Students Taking Action in Nature's Defense
(STAND) and the Global Climate Change Honors Class will observe Earth Day 2008 on
Tuesday, April 22, with refreshments, games and information booths on Main Street
at the Falcon Center. Crafts made from recycled goods and products will also be available.
Other events scheduled that day include BYOBlue in which the campus community is
encouraged to wear blue to show support for calling an end to new coal-fired power
plants. Anyone with questions is invited to e-mail
A Recycling Contest will also be held with drop-off at the turn-around in back of
the Falcon Center from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Trophies will be awarded to the individual student,
student organization, faculty-staff and residence hall making the biggest contribution
to the recycling effort. Items that will be accepted are aluminum and tin cans, No.
1 and No. 2 plastics and newspapers and magazines.