Nursing Open House Set for March 19
The Fairmont State University Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Open House, an
opportunity for registered nurses interested in the BSN program, will be held Wednesday,
March 19, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and from 3-6 p.m., in Room 303 of the FSU Education
Faculty members Tanya Rogers, Mary Meighen and Fran Young will be available to discuss
options and courses of study. Fairmont State offers two approaches to the completion
of the Bachelor's degree in Nursing. The traditional track allows the student to complete
the program on a full or part-time basis by taking both nursing and liberal studies
course requirements. The accelerated track is an option for RN's who have completed
95 percent of the required liberal studies courses and wish to complete the nursing
course requirements in one academic year.
Those who have questions about the program and are unable to attend the Open House
are asked to call (304) 367-4761 for more information.