Buckland Hired as Preschool Teacher
Jennifer Buckland has been hired as the teacher of Pierpont Community & Technical
College of Fairmont State University's Laboratory Preschool, a model early childhood
program provided for children from the community.
The Laboratory Preschool is accredited by the National Association for the Education
of Young Children. The program offers a class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
for 4-year-olds. Two morning classes are also offered for 3-year-old children.
Buckland is a native of Cabell County and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary
Education from Marshall University. She earned a Master of Arts degree in Elementary
Education with an emphasis in Early Childhood from West Virginia University. She previously
served as an education specialist with North Central West Virginia Community Action
Head Start. She is married to Larry Buckland Jr., pastor at St. Paul United Methodist
Church in Fairmont. They are the parents of one son, Larry "Trey" Buckland III.
"I love working with children and providing a positive environment in which children
can learn," Buckland said.
The Fairmont State Laboratory Preschool will begin registration for its fall class
on April 1. There are currently a limited number of openings for the spring semester
in the Monday and Wednesday morning 3-year-old class.
For more information about current classes, fall registration or to arrange a visit
to the preschool, call Sandra Petry, Preschool Assistant Director, at (304) 367-4853.