CMP Musicians Honored
Fairmont State University's Community Music Program honored several of its young musicians
with performance appearances at the annual Music-O-Rama held at the Meadowbrook Mall.
Performances were presented in voice, piano, strings and guitar.
Students receiving recognition by individual teachers prior to the event were Katie
Cavis, vocalist, recipient of Superior I Rating with the West Virginia Music Educators
Solo and Ensemble Festival at FSU; Danielle Price, pianist, I Rating with the WVME
Solo and Ensemble Festival; Meredith Estel, pianist, Outstanding Musical Achievement
and Demonstration of Mature Musicianship; Kailee Latocha, pianist, Outstanding Musical
Progress and Achievement; and Isabella Lopez, vocalist, Outstanding New Student Performing
Students studying with the CMP Music Program at FSU perform at beginning through advanced
levels of performance.
For information about the CMP, call or e-mail Director Anne Schooley at (304) 366-3758