Master of Architecture Impact

Master of Architecture

The Master of Architecture degree program at Fairmont State emphasizes the cultural, geographic, and historical conditions that distinguish the character of the Appalachian Region.

The program’s studio projects typically provide an opportunity to explore the revitalization of the region’s smaller cities and towns through the design of innovative architectural interventions.  The curriculum further offers opportunities for research and project applications in sustainable design issues ranging from energy efficiency to adaptive reuse to food systems.

The Master of Architecture (M. Arch) Program consists of 42 semester hours of coursework.  In addition to the required classes, electives can range from study abroad travel opportunities, to project management courses offered through the MBA program, to student-selected special interest topics.  The M. Arch program is typically completed in three semesters of full-time study.  The full professional degree at Fairmont State is made up of the prerequisite four-year Bachelor of Science in Architecture plus this one-and-one-half year M. Arch degree.  Applicants to the M. Arch degree from other institutions may or may not require additional time to complete their degree pending an evaluation of the curricular content of their degree.  See Admission Requirements for additional information

The Master of Architecture Program at Fairmont State is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), effective January 1, 2022. 

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the architecture degree programs may be employed in architectural offices; design-build firms; business or governmental organizations that produce their own construction-related documents; as well as many other positions that might benefit from the creative and strategic skill set an architectural education offers.

The 2023 annual median wage for Architects in the United States was $93,310, with an annual growth rate in employment over the next ten years projected to be about 5% annually.

Admission Requirements 

Students seeking admission to the Master of Architecture Program must begin by meeting the general standards established by the Office of Graduate Studies at Fairmont State University.

Applicants to the Master of Architecture degree must also meet the additional criteria and submit the documents as noted below:

  • Completion of a four-year Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Architecture (pre-professional degree) with a minimum 3.0 GPA for full admission, or a minimum 2.75 GPA for provisional admission.
  • For applicants from institutions other than Fairmont State, an evaluation of the applicant’s pre-professional education will be conducted for compliance with the National Architectural Accrediting Board, Program, and Student Criteria that may not otherwise be met in the Fairmont State Master of Architecture degree program. Further details regarding the evaluation may be found on the Evaluation of Pre-Professional Degrees Statement and Forms.
  • A portfolio of architectural and creative work that demonstrates the applicant’s skills and abilities.
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation, with a minimum of two from undergraduate architectural instructors. The third may be from a professional acquaintance. Applicants who hold a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Fairmont State will only be required to submit one (1) letter and it should be from an outside source.
  • A Letter of Intent that states the applicant’s reasons for pursuing a Master of Architecture degree in general, and more specifically at Fairmont State.

A personal interview may also be required as part of the admissions process if deemed necessary. This interview would be conducted by the Director of the Graduate Program in Architecture along with faculty in the Architecture Program and may be conducted in-person or electronically.

The documents noted above should be sent to: Fairmont State University Office of Admissions and copied to the Director of the Graduate Program in Architecture after the general Fairmont State application has been submitted.

Contact Info

Dr. Robert Kelly

Director, Architecture Graduate Program

 202E Engineering Technology Building

 (304) 367-4640